Neurotherapy Treatment Techniques

  Pressure Application

Neurotherapy, or “LMNT” Neurotherapy, employs specific pressure and massage techniques to restore balance in the body’s energy forces and physiological functions. Here are the primary techniques used:

  • Pressure is applied to various parts of the body, primarily using the therapist’s feet, sometimes hands.
  • The therapist stands on the patient’s body, carefully controlling the pressure based on the patient’s age, sex, and tolerance.
  • This technique stimulates blood flow and nervous signals to restore balance.
  • Similar to the pressure technique, massage is used to enhance blood flow to organs, stretch tissues, muscles, and nerves.
  • This promotes natural healing by improving circulation and reducing tension in affected areas.
  • The therapist examines the abdomen to identify tender points, which can indicate malfunctioning organs.
  • This technique helps diagnose issues based on the patient’s biochemical forces (alkaline, acid, gas) and informs the treatment plan.
  • An initial consultation includes a comprehensive health history and visual examination(eyes, tongue, color, nails, skin).
  • This analysis helps identify underlying health issues and guides the treatment approach.
  • Special attention is given to the alignment of spinal vertebrae and the musculoskeletal system.
  • Proper alignment is crucial for optimal nerve function and overall health.

Neurotherapy is a holistic approach, addressing both chronic and acute conditions by restoring the body’s natural equilibrium without the use of medicines, oils, or preparations.